This business can be tough sometimes. Competition is fierce, deadlines are short and demands on quality are high. It takes years and years of both practice and experience to do the job well. The fact is, at a time when everyone with a mobile phone is an aspiring photographer, it takes something extra to do this for a living. Something beyond snapping pictures for your Instagram feed.
To start off, it definitely takes some serious technical knowhow. The final product will always be better when you truly understand your tools. On the other hand, it also takes physical stamina and a great deal of resistance to stress. Our gear is heavy and the pace is always high. But you need to be a great team player too. That goes without saying perhaps, but in this case should really be stressed. Most of this job eventually comes down to how well you are at putting yourself, your colleagues and your camera in the right position at the right time. Often after a great deal of hustling in some really odd places.
Add to the above some good old fashioned editorial know-how and you are closing in on what it means to be a professional producer of visual content. The fact is, only after many years working as both photographers and producers, we have grown bold enough to consider ourselves exactly that.
Today we offer clients from a wide range of different outlets the same high level of efficiency, reliability and quality when producing both video and photo. We work in news and sports, with ENG and OB, doing corporate video, print media and advertising. We love what we do and are honestly pretty damn proud of our clients!